Wednesday, September 15, 2010

RUN 193 - Pain free again in Malmo Sweden

A month on and only two visits to an Osteopath who could easily double as a David Brent impersonator, I find myself running along the southern Swedish coastline with an old friend and his son, with little to no discomfort in my back! The constant nagging pain I felt before which my muscles were tensing to protect has  past and loosened up.  The constant cut to the bone pain at the base of the spine which followed has past too, as if it had slowly migrated down and dropped right off! Good thing as my next race is in Sunday, a quiet little half marathon an hour outside London. I'll set a very steady pace and treat it like a recovery run, forget the time and just jog through to the finish. Without running I'm a less motivated, moodier, sadder person. I need it, and have promised myself to better prepare my body to ensure I keep on running...

[My running Swedish running coach]


  1. Glad your back is better so you could enjoy the run

  2. Thx Dad... hopefully ive escaped your genetic defects! :)
