Tuesday, February 15, 2011

RUN 228 - Capture the moment

I always run with my iphone, its useful if i get a little lost, or to call someone i'm meeting or who expects me, but mainly i carry it for the chance to capture a moment.  I have 5/6 main routes either to or from work or around our home, the route is repeated time after time, but the experience of it is entirely different on every occasion, with the weather, the season, time or day, the people who share the moment or the things taking place... the local authority trimmed the trees back along the south bank, felled a few too... this log obviously rolled down the bank of the river having been cut at low tide... this angle and composition screamed out to me as i ran by... the stump in the foreground, the log on the beach and the river beyond...when the tide returns to collect the log, this image will be gone forever.

[sometimes the images scream out to be captured]

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