So a friend is thinking of buying a running watch and wanted my opinion... i've been using the Garmin Forerunner 301 for the past 3 years, which she knew, what she didn't know was that i'd been thinking for a while of upgrading myself. A good opportunity then for us both to learn a little more about the marvels of Garmin!
The 301 is a really awesome watch, i bought mine from ebay for about $60 when i was living in Chicago. It was old at the time, and is now clearly even older now, but is it outdated? Lets start with the 301:
I use my Garmin on every run, and i take it everywhere, its taught me to understand my body, my form and to recognize my own pace, so god forbid if i ever run without it, i kind of know how fast im running. There are lots of reviews detailing all the functions, if thats what you're looking for try here. I'm going to tell you how i use mine and what i like about it.
I set data to automatically split data mile so I can see how long each mile took what the pace was, the number of calories burnt, average high and low heart rate and more. You also get all that for the overall workout too of course
I also set performance ranges, so if I run too fast or too slow it tells me, same for heart rate which is more important, it also let's me monitor average pace which is what I track most closely over time.
Heart rate is really important it let's you monitor your fitness level, my maximum heartrate has come down a lot over the last couple years. It comes with a heart rate chest strap, which wirelessly transmits to the watch, placement can sometimes be tricky.
All the data syncs to the computer via USB and you can view it in tables or with graphs, it also displays the run route on a map.
There are two other settings for bike riding and "other" for other sports, which i've used for snowboarding, which generates some really cool graphs, especially of elevation change.
You have to get used to not looking at it all the time and focus on the actual run, i typically look at each mile split to check pace, it'll beep at each mile and display data for that last mile. There are also different training modes like a virtual partner where you set a certain pace or finish time and the watch tells you if you're ahead or falling behind.
Yes it is a little bulky, and yes it can take 5-10 minutes to track the satellites, but its light and the battery life is great, probably about 10+ hours per charge, it charges from USB so i dont even use the charger usually just plug it into a PC. The bulkiness isn't an issue to me at all, its comfortable to wear, just doesn't look as cool as the 205, 305 or 405
I've not had the chance to use either of these newer watches, so i'll save judgement until then. The data display appears the same, there are additional graphical screens which the 301 doesn't have at all and i believe that the speed of satellite tracking is improved, but i've heard battery life isn't so good. Other than being slightly smaller too i'm not sure what additional benefits either has over the 301? If you do, please let me know!
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